I’ve gone ahead and planned out a full year’s worth of real estate investing classes for your local real estate investing meetup for 2024.
You can down the spreadsheet and, optionally, modify it to fit your own needs.
How It Works
The basic idea is that you can input the date of your first class of the year (or first day your class would have been on if the first day was a holiday).
The spreadsheet will then show you ALL the dates for your classes for the entire year.
I then marked out all the classes that would have been on a holiday or too close to a holiday that attendance would have been impacted significantly.
After that, I started looking at a list of the classes that I know get taught every year regardless of what is going on. These are the core classes.
Things like market stats, deal analysis and how to complete a deal.
These classes are typically marked as “1” for frequency which means they’re taught every 1 year.
I then sprinkled in some classes that are taught every 2 or 3 years. These are marked with a 2 for every 2 years or so and 3 for every 3 years or so under frequency.
Then, there are classes that you should have at least once—and update if things change—but you’re not teaching them repeatedly. These are set to every 0 years in the frequency column.
I’ve tried to group the classes by topic a little as well so you can see themes. For example, Property Management classes are colored orange with black text.
Hopefully this helps you see what the schedule for classes for an entire year might look like.
Change The Year
Finding this page after 2024? Change the date at the top of the page and the starting date and modify the classes to accommodate your personalized schedule of classes.
Let me know if you have any questions, but I will also be providing more info in the future.
This spreadsheet—and all the others on this website unless explicitly stated otherwise—is provided to current, active subscribers under the very limited, revocable Don’t Steal My Stuff license. Basically, you can use it for your own personal use only while you’re a paying subscriber.
Spreadsheet Download
Download the latest version of 2024 Real Estate Investing Class Schedule spreadsheet below.